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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Now what?

A wise man once said, everybody falls down at some point. The key is what you do after that. Well I intend to dust my self off and start again.

Life got hectic with my finals at the end of June and just the busy time of summer that I fell of the exercise wagon and got drug behind it for a while. I guess I need to just sit down and set up a plan. This is the part I have the most trouble with. How much how often and what meal plan to use. I will get it figured out but the start will be tonight. I will have to begin my couch to 5k over again since I just don't feel right about picking up where I left off. and sit down and do a meal plan for the week.

To be honest I felt like I let down some of the people that were cheering me on. Tonight the run begins again this time I must and will stick with it. Thanks again for the support.

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