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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The battle of the scales

Still being new to this whole exercise thing there are a lot of things I don't know. One is why don't any scales read the same. Got up early this morning and checked out my rummage sale scale I got for a buck. So far, love it!!!! Said I was at 290, I didn't weigh myself on the digital since I just wanted to get going. I grabbed my I pod and went to work, about half way through the couch to 5k work out my shins started burning. Not pain burning just work out tired burning. Now I really don't remember this happening when I was 18 and running all over the place. So I will just blame it on early morning not the 10 years of not doing squat.

By the end I had done a 30 minutes of exercise. I rand 8 minutes @ 4 miles an hour and walked 22 minutes at 3 miles and hour. I can walk all day, last year  I was walking 1.5 hours at 3 miles an hour. Just didn't seem to do much. I even walked home from Dublin Square after a whiskey tasting event. Seemed like a short walk but I can assure you 2nd and main to Sunrise Drive near central is a haul. On the bright side...... stone cold sober by the time I made it home.  I guess I am a little confused on the couch to 5k program, it has 3 work outs per week. Is that all I do??? It says to rest but everything in me is saying at least walk? I don't know this stuff so it makes it hard but I guess I will just fly by the seat of my pants.

I went in an weighed in on the digital scale and that sun of a gun said 294. So who is lying. I ran upstairs and got back on the rummage sale scale and it said 294. What, why, how the blazes does that happen. I think they chatted while I was running and put conspired against me. I am hypothesizing that running made the blood swell into the tissue and  look like  I weigh more. I really don't know. I will check both in the morning after waking and see if they still are working together. I honestly don't know what to think but I am going to pick the rummage sale scale and go with it.

Over all if the rummage sale scale is right I have lost eight pounds since I started. Not bad but lots more work to do.

1 comment:

  1. It is harder than you think and patience to hold your self back a notch will be crucial some weeks.

    Although you don't realize it you use a different muscle set when you run vs walk or visa verca. One you are experiencing right now is called shin splints. There are a few easy to do exercises that will help build up the shin to calf muscle imbalance, I also recommend getting some dixy cups and filling them 3/4 with water then freezing. after your workout take one our peel part of the cup away exposing a "Ice pop" per say but allowing yourself to hold onto the paper cup remaining and ice massage each shin for 10 minutes. the other theory is RICE Rest, Ice (massage) compression, Elevate. Remind me to send you some videos of stretches to help loosen and strengthen the area, those were my nemisis for a LOOOOOONG time.
