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Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Dawn of a new Day?

Beautiful weather today..... well, all week. Got up early this morning and got the treadmill situated and went to work. I am trying the couch to 5k app on my ipod. This program looks like it will work well, my biggest problem is the constant up and down on the speed. walk down, down, run, up up up. I dropped my iPod 5 times trying to adjust the speed, Thinking an arm band we have will need to be employed or else i will have no app or tunes for the run. Since I can walk forever this is a great program to get me stepping it up to a run since it alternates.

Next I got me some garden fresh green beans at Festivals, love me some green beans. Alas after two days my little bag is no more. They were awesome tho!! Not sure how many you can eat and still be good for you but I feel I must be pushing the limits.

Lastly, Sunday I will introduce some of the Advocare products I like so much. 24 day challenge baby. Lost 10-15 pounds last time I did it by the book. I know, I know the first 8-10 is cleaning the crap out and having less water and food laying around but don't tell my eyes that they just see the number. LOL.

Over all making the baby steps I need to make so  I can take the big steps in the future.  I would kind of like to give some of the bigger clothes I have bought over the last few months back to good will and let someone else borrow them for a while until they get inspired. I also need to look at a new scale. mine seems to jump around depending on where it is on the floor and the direction it was pushed. I just go with the average but might just have to go back to the old dial type. It was good enough for grandpa so it is good enough for me.

Looking ahead  I see a bright, light future that will take work but be worth the investment in time and resources. I already have had great encouragement from some super friends and family. With their encouragement and my lovely wife's watchful eye on my eating  I should do just fine. Thanks again everyone!



  1. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Great job Jess! Keep up the4 good work and hope the couch to 5K program works well for you, it is definitely a proven winner.

    1. Thanks Richard, That saying is one of my favorites. It was true for Brett Farve back then and is still true today. If I don't get up and just do it then I have no room to bitch when I am out of breath carrying ten loads of laundry up the stairs.
